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April 2022

Writer's picture: Darci RichardsonDarci Richardson

Can you believe that Spring is here? The trees are sprouting their leaves, our hills are green and the flowers are blooming. It is truly one of the most beautiful times of the year. I hope that you all take a moment and look around at the beauty around you. Of course I do believe it's time for some spring cleaning but I think we all did enough of this during Covid. Our homes should be pretty much cleaned out by now.

What a wonderful meeting we had in March. Leah from Forever Found was wonderful and I feel that she really enlightened us with all the aspects of human trafficking. We can do our part either by donating or if you have household items or clothing that you are going to give away please think about their store Second Story to donate those items too. It helps to raise funds for these individuals that have been trafficked and raise money for the awareness.

I am thrilled with all the new members that have joined us, welcome to you all! It's wonderful to see so many faces again coming back to our meetings. We have some wonderful speakers planned over the next few months.

Ladies remember to bring a door prize with your business card on it to give away at our April meeting to promote your business.

As I mentioned in our last newsletter, that this year, I would like our WINS group to focus on networking, more referrals to each other's businesses and to grow in our personal journey and health as women.

A reminder to everyone, we have so many talented and brilliant members here that I personally have given referrals to and have received referrals from. Maybe you are thinking to yourself that you may not need a service that one of our members provides? Well, you may not at this time, but I bet that someone you know is looking for a service and can benefit from one of our member's businesses.

Women's Information Network has been a local organization for over 40 years and there are not many networking groups that can say this.

Not able to attend the meeting in person? You can now Zoom into our meeting. Yes, that's right. You can join us and participate. Look for the link in the Newsletter to RSVP. Be sure to send me your 30 -second commercial so I can read it at the meeting.

Lastly, as I mentioned last month, we do need to have all final RSVPs in no later than the Monday before our monthly meeting. We want to be sure that Wood Ranch Country Club will have the correct count of entree's for us.I really appreciate your cooperation and understanding inregard to this matter.

Also, remember that each time you bring a guest to a meeting you will receive a puzzle piece. The member that collects the most pieces this year will be awarded a free membership for 2023! Inviting guests is the best way to share all of the wonderful benefits of becoming an active member of WINS.

"Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your soul."

​Darci Richardson

President 2022

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